Friday, August 30, 2013

August 26th to August 30st Brendan 15.5 months

  The update on UC Davis is that we are on the waiting list to get into the clinical research of early start Denver program for the November start date. The odds of him getting into that session now are pretty slim. But the more we think about moving the more we think it just might not be the best option for us.  The Arizona doctor I told you all about last week Dr Gentry has rearranged his schedule this week and is having us come in on Thursday. The 3 of us went to the appointment on Thursday and had a really good experience. This doctor has a BCBA which is a big deal, he was so down to earth and went through what Brendan needs right now. Then he is helping us get the right therapy and team of therapist. He feels Brendan needs the Aba (applied behavior analysis) therapy asap. This therapy is what is going to get him to speak and learn to communicate. He also observed Brendan and worked a little with him and told us that Brendan is in the middle of the spectrum. Which to me was a huge relief. Then he also said Brendan is in the less than 1% of kids his age to get a diagnoses. The average age is 4.5, so he said by the time he is 4 he will already have hundreds of hours of therapy. So when he tells me that I again feel relief. So after a mentally exhausting week I have sense of calmness knowing that we are headed in the right direction.
           Brendan is having kinda of an off week. He hasn't been feeling good so that has made us miss most of therapy this week. But I had an amazing proud mommy moment this week twice. First thing is I was playing with a pull toy with him and chasing him with it. Which he loves, but when I would stop pulling the toy he actually picked up the string and brought it to my hand. It was his way of saying he wanted me to do it again. This is a huge step for him, just getting him to bring something to me is huge. The second proud moment was I had ran upstairs to switch out the laundry and as I started to walk down the stairs Brendan was at the bottom of the stairs saying,"momma." It makes me cry just writing it. He was actually calling for me because he didn't know where I was. Prior to this he would never even know when I would leave the room. I just hope these milestones stay with him, that would make me so happy.

                                          Brendan giving me a toy
                                          Brendan in his swing
                Brendan eating an all natural candy sucker for the first time

          This week I have been trying to get all of us ready to go to Disneyland for a week. We leave on Sunday and the excitement in our house is crazy. Haley has been counting the days until we go. Packing for two kids for a week is never fun but add all of Brendan's special food and products. Products I mean because he is allergic to almost everything he also has to have special suntan lotion, hair products, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste you name it he has his own special kind. So needless to say we have soooo much stuff which is why we are driving. Btw, I don't like road trips so this should be interesting. It will be the kids first road trip so I just hope we all survive! We have had this trip planned for almost a year. We even considered canceling it after Brendan's diagnoses but we thought we are going to still go because if anything my family can use sometime away from reality! So far everybody that I have spoken to at Disneyland has been so helpful. I have just been trying to plan out how and where Brendan can eat at and then how I can make sure he can survive with large crowds. This is going to be a test for Brendan to see how he handles crowds, loud places etc. I am extremely nerves but you never know until you try it. As you all know Brendan is obsessed with Mickey Mouse so he should be in heaven all week.  Next week post will be all about our Disney trip. Until then I just want to keep thanking you all for having my family in your thoughts.

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