Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12th It has been 1 year since Brendan's "AT Risk of Autism" diagnoses Brendan 22 months

   Today marks the date a year ago when Brendan was 10 months old and he got his "at risk of autism" diagnoses. I honestly can't believe it has been a year already. A year ago we were so terrified, finding out that your child could have autism was extremely overwhelming. But the progress he has made since then gives me such hope for his future. In the last week Brendan has made HUGE progress in his social skills. I shouldn't say just the last week because the last 6 months he has made progress but I got to watch his progress. This weekend we were around lost of house guests. When someone walked into the room he was in, I watched him look up to see who it was!!! When another child his size came up to him I watched him lean into them and try and give them a kiss. He would run up someone and want to be picked up! You all have no idea how much this makes me smile. I was extremely emotional watching him this weekend. These are huge steps of progress. I can only hope he keeps making progress like this in all areas.

   I just wanted to give you all a quick update on my appeal. After receiving my appeal denial I found out that I could request a meeting with my new team. I have had my new team of speech, occupational and developmental specialist for the last 2 months. They have been really good with Brendan, they seem to be more on the same page with what Brendan's needs are. I have the opportunity to dismiss my appeal and to take the chance with my new team to decide on what hours and therapy he needs. As scared as I was I felt I needed to give my team a chance. We had a meeting thursday and my new team and I got to decide on the hours for Brendan only for the ext 6 weeks. In the end my team had his best interest so we are trying out more hours but shorter sessions. We have another meeting in 6 weeks and at that time we will decide on the hours he will get for 90 days. Things are starting to look up, thank you to my new team for fighting for my son with me.

This is a video of Brendan discovering his own Shadow!
This is Brendan trying to imatate leaning over like a tea pot!

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