Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 11th - 23rd Clinical Research Study (18 months)


            I am sorry I am a week behind on Brendan's progress but I haven't had even one free minute in the last 13 days to write. Thank you to all of you who reached out this week to make sure we were ok since you didn't see a blog post last week! I am so humble for the support. It has been the craziest 2 weeks for me.  Last week Brendan started the clinical research study at SARRC. The first 3 days of the therapy were extremely intense and super exhausting for Brendan. The therapy was all in the middle of when he normally takes a nap. So not only was the therapy so demanding but he was tired on top of it. I was worried he wasn't going to make it the whole week of the trial. On the 4th day of the study I got a call letting me know that the therapist he had been working with had come down with the flu. I was actually happy that we didn't have to go because Brendan just needed a day to regroup. He ended up taken almost a 3 hour nap which he has never done before. Then the following day got cancelled as well. We were going to make them up on Monday and Tuesday. So throughout the weekend Brendan really started to throw more lengthy tantrums. Which he hasn't done much of the last month. It was like he was getting frustrated at every little task he was trying to do. He has started to communicate by coming to grab your hand and then he takes you to where he wants to go. So for example if he wants to go upstairs he will grab my hand and bring me to the stairs. He also will grab your hand and have me point to the tv to indicate he wants the tv on. So you all must be thinking why wouldn't he just point to the tv himself. Well that is the mysteris question we don't know why he can't do it. When he plays a game on the ipad he will also take my hand to touch it. For some reason he just doesn't understand that he can do it himself. It is like we have been working on getting him to clap for the last couple months and you can see on face when I clap for him that he wants to do it but he can't figure it out. We have finally gotten him to sometimes put his hands together but then he releases them. Neurologically something isn't functioning right in that motor skill.
         After a long weekend we headed back to SARRC on Monday for the 4th day of the study. Brendan didn't seem to be in the best of moods. He was just very mellow and not his normal hyper self.  He definitely didn't want to be forced to do anything. He had a couple melt downs during therapy which again isn't normal for him. Tuesday was his final day of the clinical study and by this time he wasn't to excited to be stuck in the same little room with the same toys he had been playing with all week. So right away when we went in he was fussy. He immediately started asking to go outside. So to back track just a bit the aba therapy we have been doing at home with Brendan is a respond and reward way of teaching. So if he responds with a verbal command when asked something he will get what he is asking for. Even if the sound coming out isn't the right word. So he is used to given the verb command and then receiving the action. This study was a lot more demanding of the verbal command, along with eye contact and then responding to a task. Well Brendan doesn't understand to respond to a task. I can say, "Brendan go get your blanket" and he would have no idea what I am saying. So the final day she was giving him a lot of tasks to complete and he was getting so frustrated because he was just given the verbal commands and then nothing was happening so this lead to major melt downs. The final tantrum lasted about 25 minutes and it was ugly. He was screaming and banging his head on the ground so hard that I was so scared he was going to really hurt himself. It was toucher to watch as a mom because he didn't understand what was going on or what he was being asked to do. So eventually the therapist just let me help him so he could calm down. I learned some things during the study but overall it wasn't a good experience for Brendan. I just had super high expectations going into it because we had such an amazing experience at SARRC for the jumpstart program.
          SARRC(southwest autism research center) is a part of the huge "Operation Santa" program here in Arizona. Last year they served food, presents & clothing to 252 families during christmas. Channel 15 news is having a week where they are promoting the program on tv. They had asked SARRC to submit a couple kids stories to promote SARRC in the segments. Well we found out that they choose Brendan's story to be featured. So on Wednesday Brendan and I went back to SARRC and the news crew interviewed me for about an hour and then they did some video of Brendan playing. Right now they told me it will air on December 3rd but they said that they will confirm the time and date as it gets closer. I feel so blessed to be able to share our story because all I hope is it will help another family recognize the signs early so they can get help when the kids are young.
            We get home from taping the segment to find out that the state had served me papers denying the hours of therapy I am requesting for Brendan. Well I am not requesting his doctor are requesting them for him. So my good mood just took a big turn. I am now starting the appeal process. There reason for them denying him more hours is they don't have any evidence to support the doctors prescriptions. So I tell his doctor and her response is, "I shouldn't ever have to defend a prescription I am writing for someone, especially when it is medically necessary." But the state feels differently. So now I am having to get all new evaluations done for speech and occupational therapy. As well as Brendan will get a physic evaluation and then a test called ADOS which this test will just reconfirm his autism diagnoses. All of this takes so much and money but I am going to do what I have to, to win this case in court. Then I am having to get research that proves that kids under the age of 3 have shown results with lots of hours of therapy. So this research will just help my case in court. I have recently found out about The Emily Center at Phoenix Children's Hospital. This is a research library at the hospital that will help you get all of the most recent data on almost any medical subject. I called them told them what I was researching and then they said they will have data sent to me in a week. They do this for free. This has to be the most amazing center because they understand if you have a sick child then they know you don't have the time or energy to the research on your own. This is one organization that you all want to donate money to because that is how they can do this service for free. So I am back to beginning a crazy mom and staying up late to make sure this appeal is perfect.
     So after the last 2 weeks we have had we decided to cancel therapy for Brendan on friday and just let him have a day of rest. I feel that was the best decision because today he has been in the best mood he has been in the last 2 weeks.  It is super unfortunate that all I feel like I do is fight people to make sure my kids can have the best skills to succeed in life. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world!

Brendan didn't let the rain stop him from playing outside!
Watch his hands he is really trying to open and close them like a wave

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